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9 Jun 2022

12 Sebab Kenapa Berhenti Kerja Company Dulu, Macam Mana Nak Jawab Masa Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Assalam wbt dan Hai,

Ye aku banyak betul terfikir apa aku nak jawab, sebab aku berhenti daripada pekerjaan terdahulu. Susah gile pada aku. Nah aku sudah ada skima jawapan. Alhamdulillah Yeah. RUJUKAN

1.  The job didnt align with your career goals

Huraian: Contoh, kau programmer yang sepatutnya nak jadi C++ developer. Kemudian masa kau masuk company itu, kau jadi web developer pulak (C++ dan web benda berbeza), tetibe kau rasa macam tak boleh nak develop skill menjadi C++ developer yang lebih berjaya. Hah gitu.

Cara cakap: 

I felt like the job didnt align with my career aspirations. I decided that I wanted to work as a C++ developer but the job I worked was that of a web developer.

2. You were unjustly passed over a promotion

Huraian: Kau patutnya dah kena promote, tetibe time promotion period, orang lain pulak yang naik pangkat. 

Cara cakap:

I excelled at my last job, achieved all the KPIs and managed to complete Project X successfully and on time, all this over the 5 years I was working there. Despite it all, I didnt get promote to the senior position, which I found very demotivating.

3. You got better offer

Huraian: Dapat offer boek punyaaaa daripada company lain

Cara cakap:

I left Company X because Company Y offered me a better position.

4. You are looking for a different work arrangement

Huraian: Contoh kau ada anak, kau nak rasa work from home pastu ala-ala freelance atau part time atau kau nak rasa banyak gila masa kat rumah, atau rasa nak selesa, bila-bila boleh pergi mana-mana.  

Cara cakap:

I recently wanted to free up my time by switching to a freelancing arrangement, which there's no punch card which can go in and out easily. Also that company offered the option to work remotely anytime. 

5. You dont get along with your new boss

Huraian: Kau tak suka bos baru kau, tak sebulu yach! Company buat organization chart baru lepastu kau report dengan bos baru. Tapi bos lama kau ngam ngam choi tak ada masalah. 

Cara cakap:

When my previous supervisor left the company, the work environment was just not the same. Their replacement was a bit too micromanaging, which not something I like in a job.

6. You had personal issues to deal with

Huraian: apa-apa isu peribadi seperti nak jaga mak ke, ada masalah kesihatan ke, nak jaga anak ke... 

Cara cakap:

I had a family emergency and had to take care of my mother full time for a few months. 

I had health issues and need a flexible schedule to attend doctor's appointment.

Recently I had baby. So, I had to take up full time parenting until a time when the kid can take care of themselves, at least until my kid 1 year old. 

7. You're overqualified for the job

Huraian: kau hebat sangat macam tak mencabar dah kerja, nak lebih lebih cabaran lagi di masa akan datang.

Cara cakap:

The role didn’t exactly match my expectations, and I believe that I was significantly overqualified and underutilized. Instead of focusing on what I’m good at outbound sales, I was tasked with inbound sales which focusing in promoting to staffs only, which led to a lot of missed sales for the company.

8. Company dynamics changed in a bad way 

Huraian: Contoh kau dah best sangat kerja dengan Company Y, tiba-tiba Company Y nak merge dengan Company Z. Semua benda berubah, macam peraturannya, waktu berkerja, department merge, dapat bos baru yang tak best, dll

Cara cakap:

The company turned very autocratic after the new management took over, which I personally didn’t get along with.

9. The job didnt match my expectation

Huraian: Masa aku apply kerja, ingatkan PERFECT job, best gila macam challenging interesting, competitive pay, amazing benefits dll tapi tiba-tiba dah kerja, indah khabar dari rupa. Unrelated with the career path. Waduh.

Cara cakap:

The job didn’t actually match the job description. I was expecting to work as a Proposal Engineer which is the skill I wanted to develop, but it instead involved working with a very uncertain framework that is not related to my desired career path. I have to work as procurement, logistics, HR, even Quality Assurance and HSE as well.

10. Laid Off

Huraian: Dipaksa untuk memberhentikan diri sendiri, company offer Volunteer Surrender Service atau VSS, MSS, dan seangkatannya. Yang disuruh berhenti lepastu dapat pampasan itu kan...

Cara cakap: 

The project I was working on got canceled, and as the company didn’t have any openings in other projects they had to let me go. That said, I’m still very close with the management team at Company X, and if you’d like, I can provide a reference.

11. You were fired

Huraian: Diberhentikan berkerja oleh majikan sebelum ini

Cara cakap:

I was fired because of a mismatch between the job and my understanding of it. I expected for the role to be more focused on C++ developer (which is what I excel at), but I ended up doing a lot of web developer work instead, which isn’t necessarily my strong suit, nor what I want to do with my career. As such, I underperformed at the role, and the management just didn’t like my output.

12. Organizational restructuring

Huraian: Company semasa pandemik covid-19 banyak rugi, tak ada banyak job jadi untuk survive, perlu minimumkan perbelanjaan bulanan, oleh itu yang mana-mana staff tak berapa penting tak akan disambung contract. Sayangnya yang masih berkerja perlu cover kerja lain menyebabkan ramai yang demotivate atau demorale dan berhenti kerja. 

Cara cakap: 

During the economic downturn due to pandemic covid-19, the company was restructuring to minimize their expenditure in order to survive. Some staffs discontinued the employment contract and few staffs need to perform the vacant roles. This caused reduced team's morale and productivity. I had to change my direction then. 

Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih. 

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